Yesterday was quite a rare occasion. I got up, WILLINGLY, at 5:30 AM.
ON. THE. WEEKEND. I obviously get up that time everyday for school, but yesterday I did because I was going to an audition for an upcoming off-Broadway show, Runaways, with my friends Ginger and Chloe. The three of us met up at a Starbucks by NYU, and took the train uptown to Talent Unlimited High School. (Where the auditions were being held). I was excited to see the high school a lot of my friends go to. The audition process was a little different than other auditions I've been to, and it was cool to have a new experience with my friends and I, bonding over our nervous energy. But like any open call, there were tons of kids and we waited around all day until our numbers were called. We all agreed that after running on adrenaline during the whole process, we were exhausted when it was over. After that, we went to this cute little diner in the village and went back to Ginger's ADORABLE apartment. (She has one of the cutest rooms I've ever seen). The three of us hung out, watched YouTube videos, talked about the meaning of life, gave each other temporary tattoos, discussed books, and so on and so on. It reminded me of being a little kid and having nothing to do but at the same time not having enough time to do it. The afternoon was full of tons of laughs. In the evening we were off, and went to our school to see the first SDF (Spring Drama Festival) performance of the season; "Don't Drink the Water". I really was unsure about if I would like it or not (the play is by Woody Allen), because the concept was a bit weird to me. Though once it started, I could not stop laughing. I thought the script was hysterical and the comedic timing was on point. All of the kids were fantastic, and I really wanna congratulate them on such a great job! Yesterday was really fun and full of new experiences. It really did make not-sleeping-in feel like nothing...but damn, was I tired. P.S. Ginger got a call back, so send good vibes! So proud of her! 💓
Last night I got to be on the dais for one of my best friends Sweet 16. I was so honored be in her entourage for the night. This was my first time being asked, and it made me incredibly excited.
The party was Oscar themed, and it really was spectacular. Between the red carpet, awesome DJ (shoutout to Alex & the awesome dancers from E-Squared), Dunkin Donuts AND decked out candy table, it was definitely as glamorous as I expected. Getting to dance with my best friends, while celebrating one of them, made for the best night ever. There was so much love in the room for Sophia, and it's truly because of how great of a person she is. I think everyone there could agree that they were beyond lucky to see her on her special night. Thank you Sophia, and happy 16th birthday❤️ On Friday, after a long week, my friends and I went to Magnolia bakery (the one on the upper West side) after school. I've never been there before but I didn't get a cupcake; I gave up chocolate for Lent, and vanilla's not worth the calories. After a short walk, we got there, and let me say, the little shop looked like it was out of a NYC story book. Adorable little shops + pastels make me very happy. The place was packed, so my friends and I found our own little spot outside (it was surprisingly nice and sunny out yet it was snowing this morning. New York weather in one sentence). We had so much fun eating, joking around, and taking pictures. Moral of the story, take time out of your day once in a while to sit outside and eat a cupcake with a friend or two. No matter how busy you think you are. You'll be happy that you did. BTW, check out my friend Chloe's new blog! (right, blonde, with the awesome gold shoes). She's got some adorable recent posts!
I was coming home from school on the 1 train, and getting off I dropped a $5. I turn around to see Steven Baldwin handing it to me, saying "Be careful with your money!". It was't until I got off that I realized who had just done a small act of kindness. Now I wish I got back on and the train and took a picture!
Alicia Vikander. Utterly stunning, very appropriate, and something that looks like a winner for best supporting actress would wear. Side note: my sister and I screamed when she won; her work in "The Danish Girl" was that good.
Last week I was one of four acts performing for the Tuesday night cabaret at The Don't Tell Mama (on 46th between 8th and 9th). I was a little nervous, because I've never done a cabaret (you sing while the audience eats/drinks). My WHOLE family was there, my best friends (the regulars in my past blog post), AND my school friends. So basically everyone I really love had to sit and watch me talk and sing. When it was over though, I realized I could of just relaxed. It was really fun up there, and the people that were in the audience were the most supportive ones in my life. I was so happy all of them came out that night, it meant the world. Here's my whole set down below: (Note: THE CAMERA WAS FACING UP AT ME IT WAS SUCH A BAD ANGLE IT DOES NOT EVEN LOOK LIKE ME I PROMISE).
I went to Toy Fair about two weeks ago and it was a really cool experience. My grandpa owns a company called Huckleberry Toys, that makes phone cases, locker posters, finger puppets and other fun stuff. Heres what their stand looked like: And here are some of my favorite toy companies for kids of all ages: Kikkerland ![]() Eco-Kids Fun fact: I'm allergic to play doh. So when I saw this companies organic/natural products, the 4 year old inside of me squealed. Thank you to eco-kids for giving my friends and I a free sample of your clay that won't make my hands blow up! Ty Ty is making toys for the new movie The Secret Life of Pets, and they are too cute. Pirastra Because who doesn't like INTENSE coloring? Squishable My friend Jade and I were so excited when we saw this stand, to be quite honest. THEY'RE JUST SO CUTE AND SOFT. THANK YOU TO MY FRIENDS THAT CAME WITH ME. ALSO, I DIDN'T INCLUDE ANY OF THE COMPANIES THAT WEREN'T VERY NICE TO US (AND THERE WERE DEFINITELY A FEW). KINDNESS GOES A LONG WAY:)
Caroline MeadeMaking noise through multiple mediums since 2001. Archives
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