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Because you gotta stay fit...and you gotta get up for school tomorrow morning. School is a pretty tough thing to juggle with literally anything else...especially when you have 10 periods a day AND have 3 hours of traveling. Normally I work out 5/6 days a week, but when I have 5 tests in 1 week, my workouts become very short and hard to even complete. These videos are really great for when you want to squeeze a little toning into your day or actually need a few minutes to relieve yours stress (like me). There is no such thing as a quick fix, but these will sure help get yourself into shape. Plus, they're kind of fun! 1. 10 Minute Abs with Rebecca-Louise I try to do this one every other day and it's really good for working your lower abs. I did it for 2 weeks straight everyday and I really saw the difference it made. I would also recommend this channels thigh workout, Olivia Wilde workout and their million calorie workout. XHit also has a whole Victoria Secret series which will be sure to make your but hurt. 2. The Fitness Marshal This man makes squeezing in your cardio so much entertaining. I love to dance and he's combinations are so fun. My sister and I do them together and usually end up laughing. You do not ave to be an actual dancer to do these, you just gotta move! I would also recommend his videos to Cheap Thrills, Dessert, Cold Water and Or Nah. 3. Extreme Abs by Blogilates If you want instant soreness, this the way to get it. Though sometimes I get a little irritated by her voice in this, it really does work very quickly. I would recommend having a look at all of her videos, she has one for everything! Of course getting into shape doesn't just mean working out but these workouts will really help. They're also ALL under 20 minutes!
Caroline MeadeMaking noise through multiple mediums since 2001. Archives
May 2020
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